aku hapal frasa One Republic di atas. bukan fans berat, ya cuma sekedar suka tipis-tipis aja
aku haqqul yaqin hidup setiap orang itu indah, indah, bagus bagus
kata kata makian itu nggak akan bisa bikin lego. mbok menowo kamu mau tau, ya udah ini tak jelasin, kalo nggak mau ya tinggal penceto back lak yo udah urusan kita selese. lo gue end
I'm just being afraid of denial. It's not my weakness but I'm really sure that denial from closest people is sort of another ending for my world. Nah. I don't beg for this symptoms to be happened to such hypocrite person like me. Let's admit, sometimes I can be a two-faced person, I can take both sides but I've never dreamt of being split personality. It's kind of awkward, unacceptable, and ashaming. How-could-this-happen-to-me is the only question I'd ask to everyone. HOW COULD?
It doesn't mean I can't accept the fact of being a split personality person. Nope, bi means two and literally it means two personalities in one person. It can be cured, but I guess it needs a long time to be fully cured. I hate waking up with swollen eyes. I think I can't explain this, it's hard to be explained or maybe there will be too much questions :|
I'm nobody to this world, nobody for you, nobody for anyone else in my life. Losing me is not a big big nightmare but losing them is the ending of my emotions.
singkat cerita, aku capek merasa dua hal yang berbeda dalam rentang waktu nyaris berdekatan. It's frustrating, you know. Ini menyiksa bapak bapak ibu ibu adek adek sekalian semua
capek jadi antisosial dan supersosial dalam waktu yang nyaris berdekatan. it's confusing, even I don't believe on my own words while I'm trying to slow it down. sejam lalu aku cuma pingin menarik diri dari orang-orang cuma pingin menyendiri, sekarang aku kangen mereka aku pingin neriakin mereka dan bilang.... "gak onok sing gelem ngancani aku a rek?"
rasanya nggak guna, kayak fungsi dompet di tanggal tanggal terakhir. percuma, duit receh pun ngutang
Was I born to be lonely? mungkin hanya sikon membuat saya menjadi manusia super tak aturan. bukannya aku ugal-ugalan, aku urip sesuai jalur I'm on my right track sejak dulu sampai sekarang.
hanya ingin mengadu pada Allah, beri aku kesembuhan, jadikan aku normal
urip nggak normal ngonten niki mboten nggaraake kulo happy
sedikit tambahan, pengobatannya mengerikan. aku nggak mau. however, I will keep going by my self dan aku janji aku pasti dan harus bisa dong ngatasin ini
I don't need attentions, aku nggak butuh perhatian. memang nyatanya aku kayak gini
memang nggak gampang, tapi bukan berarti nggak mungkin, kan? sing kuat sing melihara. aku kuat, aku anak sehat, masiyo batine mlengse titik
Lithium, don't want to lock me up inside. Lithium, don't want to forget how it feels without... Lithium, I want to stay in love with my sorrow. Oh, but God, I want to let it go. -"Lithium" by EVANESCENCE (2006)
aku haqqul yaqin hidup setiap orang itu indah, indah, bagus bagus
kata kata makian itu nggak akan bisa bikin lego. mbok menowo kamu mau tau, ya udah ini tak jelasin, kalo nggak mau ya tinggal penceto back lak yo udah urusan kita selese. lo gue end
I'm just being afraid of denial. It's not my weakness but I'm really sure that denial from closest people is sort of another ending for my world. Nah. I don't beg for this symptoms to be happened to such hypocrite person like me. Let's admit, sometimes I can be a two-faced person, I can take both sides but I've never dreamt of being split personality. It's kind of awkward, unacceptable, and ashaming. How-could-this-happen-to-me is the only question I'd ask to everyone. HOW COULD?
It doesn't mean I can't accept the fact of being a split personality person. Nope, bi means two and literally it means two personalities in one person. It can be cured, but I guess it needs a long time to be fully cured. I hate waking up with swollen eyes. I think I can't explain this, it's hard to be explained or maybe there will be too much questions :|
I'm nobody to this world, nobody for you, nobody for anyone else in my life. Losing me is not a big big nightmare but losing them is the ending of my emotions.
singkat cerita, aku capek merasa dua hal yang berbeda dalam rentang waktu nyaris berdekatan. It's frustrating, you know. Ini menyiksa bapak bapak ibu ibu adek adek sekalian semua
capek jadi antisosial dan supersosial dalam waktu yang nyaris berdekatan. it's confusing, even I don't believe on my own words while I'm trying to slow it down. sejam lalu aku cuma pingin menarik diri dari orang-orang cuma pingin menyendiri, sekarang aku kangen mereka aku pingin neriakin mereka dan bilang.... "gak onok sing gelem ngancani aku a rek?"
rasanya nggak guna, kayak fungsi dompet di tanggal tanggal terakhir. percuma, duit receh pun ngutang
Was I born to be lonely? mungkin hanya sikon membuat saya menjadi manusia super tak aturan. bukannya aku ugal-ugalan, aku urip sesuai jalur I'm on my right track sejak dulu sampai sekarang.
hanya ingin mengadu pada Allah, beri aku kesembuhan, jadikan aku normal
urip nggak normal ngonten niki mboten nggaraake kulo happy
sedikit tambahan, pengobatannya mengerikan. aku nggak mau. however, I will keep going by my self dan aku janji aku pasti dan harus bisa dong ngatasin ini
I don't need attentions, aku nggak butuh perhatian. memang nyatanya aku kayak gini
memang nggak gampang, tapi bukan berarti nggak mungkin, kan? sing kuat sing melihara. aku kuat, aku anak sehat, masiyo batine mlengse titik
Lithium, don't want to lock me up inside. Lithium, don't want to forget how it feels without... Lithium, I want to stay in love with my sorrow. Oh, but God, I want to let it go. -"Lithium" by EVANESCENCE (2006)
judge me if you want, say I'm scary say I'm bad. say whatever you want 'cause you will never know how much it hurts 'till you feel it by yourself
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